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5 x 5 Prayer Challenge


by Kim Jessie

As ministry leaders, we know the importance of prayer.  We know how prayer changes lives and impacts our ministries.  But, ministry can consume our time.  Do you ever feel dissatisfied, because you have so little time to pray?  You are not alone!

According to an Ellis Research survey found on the www.Church website:

16% of minister leaders are very satisfied with their personal prayer lives

47% are somewhat satisfied

30% somewhat dissatisfied

7% very dissatisfied

30 minutes = the median amount of prayer time per day

During that time, a typical minister leader spends

12 minutes with prayer requests

8 minutes in quiet time

7 minutes giving thanks

7 minutes more in praise

5 minutes confessing sin

Ministry leaders are struggling to have quality prayer lives.  How can we be different?  A simple solution may be the 5X5 Prayer Challenge.  Frizzell in How to Develop a Powerful Prayer Life outlines five types of prayer.  The five types are:

  1. Praise, thanksgiving and worship

  2. Confession and repentance

  3. Petition and supplication

  4. Intercession

  5. Meditation (listening prayer and reflection) (Frizzell, 24-25)

5X5 Prayer Challenge:   

Twice a day (morning and night) take time to pray each of the five types for five minutes (5X5).  At the end of the week, you will have prayed for over 5 hours – beyond what the average minister leader prays.  Image how your life and your ministry will benefit from this time spent with God.  Are you up for the challenge?  After a few weeks, try adding another minute to each one.

Additional prayer helps can be found at: (

Note: Limited copies of How to Develop a Powerful Prayer Life by Gregory Frizzell are available in the BNoC office for free.  Call 757-938-9793 or email to reserve a copy.


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